Tuesday 30 April 2013

Subject?, Er, history, er, geography..? Er, maths?...!?

On Mon, Apr 15, 2013 at 12:58 AM, Martin Law <martin.rainbowmaker@gmail.com> wrote:

Er,... lilac.

(Wasn't too good at the other subjects).
Haha.. which is virtually almost verbatim what i said to the principal at interview that miraculously got me into art school.  But yes, i do like lilac.
P   ...Pink!    Nice when things work.
The stellar sisters & Co.  ...i'm paging archives for an adequate adjective... is there one?
They all work so well.  They have a 'flavour', which is unique.  The colour is astonishing (well i was astonished).  The clarity.  And that they mesh together so accurately is beyond comprehension.  Like, how do i do matching proportions decades apart?
Simply put,  The creation is very beautiful and of another order.  Such that people would HAVE to order another.
The hybrid  (an interesting word) resemblance to my daughters is intact (hope they notice), and 'Stellar Sister', well, the colour does amazing things ( never mind Andy Warhol(a)  (his original surname) and Marylin...Marilyn Monroe).  Hey, you could sell variations of them outside the kathlick church !  haha!
Saying, "Well you have to admit, it is an immaculate conception."
Amazing what the red does to the sky too.  You're really on to something.  Not that you were ever off of anything of course...  You are a recognized ARTIST, just in case anybody fails to recognize you.  In my humble humble O'Pinion.
That post really works,  (i sort of forget what exactly i wrote till i see it).  The right degree of " what the feck's he talking about" to prod the right brain hemisphere into stirring from 'sleepingbeautyhood.'
You know, like 'earworms' only this is a 'third eye worm', a pinealworm.'
Ah so..... i've traced the tracing (in pencil not carbon) on to doubly primed canvas.  It might be called 'Canal Dreaming' cos it's like one of those canal dreams.
Making a cup of double strength peppermint, fennel, and rose tea.  Unprecedented!  On the notion that a round belly is more due to rather strong coffee and tea as much as an expanded 'hara' or intrinsic diaphragmatic breathing... maybe.  Coffee being the one thing that gets me out of bed promptly in the afternoon.
...Mmm...that tastes alright.
Having/being currently in a somewhat intro-spective mode ( as any reputable youtube astrologer wil corroborate).  Musing solitarily on what an insane planetary movie is manifest here.  Youths in battle fatigues trampling daffodils before they've had a chance to bloom.  Usurpers in expensive suits with the only bit of colour they're vaguely aware of, tied in a knot round their neck.  Scenarios i hesitate to even allow trespass on peripheral vision let alone contaminate words with when it can be readily shrunk from on youtube.  It could well be that the Earth wavelength is indeed polarizing before deciding that complete cell mitosis of the whole sphere is the only innevitable harmonious outcome.  "You go your way and i'll go mine" and we'll get on fine, world's apart, all aboard for the new Earth, only finer frequencies need apply.  Who really knows?
So it's no wonder i have those dreams.  What sensitive Earth Visitor wouldn't when, to quote Bob Dylan "my eye's collide head on with stuff..."etc. when likewise and often the eyes just wish to gaze by respite into "vacuity" ( to use Henry Miller's word for "vague in acuity").  All of which reminds me it's long overdue that i resume the practice of meditation and let any sediment settle itself, as it does if you leave it alone, consciously.
Despite the recurrent occurence of innadvertently vanishing into a 'no place', only to be jolted back into body without so much as the slump of a head.  The re-entry somewhat daunting even without the faintest desire to escape into anywhere else but where i am, with not a glimpse of Sammadhi, Nirvana, or even within a two hour's drive of the vicinity of Lisdoonvarna, to put it in more local terms.
Prior to this, i wasn't exactly in a verbal space at all.
Rather, given the aforementioned astrological phase now current, somewhat introspectively assimilating the global human movie.  But this is scheduled to shift on the 21st when the sun enters my sign with a lunar eclipse and i burst forth into spring with Mars, Venus, and maybe Pluto lending more than a hand.
Phew!  I was only the other day remembering that gorgeous windblown pink blossoming fruit tree a few doors down in a back garden.  Imagining painting something so evocative as that, when only today while talking with a neighbour, walking her friendly labrador in the wind.  She told me that was her tree and "Did you notice we'd cut it down?"
OH!  I was too in the flow of the windy conversation to notice dumfoundedness enough to ask why.  Thinking only now, that if something has to be cut down why not cigarettes?

Bursting Forth, martin law, 1995

Such a lovely tree that was.  I only ever saw just the top of it, a tasty rich pink and voluminous sight.  Billowing and waving in the breeze beyond back yard fences and hedges, like a ghostly, wildly euphoric Vincent Van Gogh delirium against clear powder blue sky. 
Ah, pink petals of blossom wildly scattering on a fresh spring breeze!  What could be a more startling vivid expression of love, of Eros on Earth?
Hence the heart and urge of art.  Perhaps i will be guided to a similar sister tree, who knows how?
But with that image, and on that note..................


Bursting Forth, martin law, 1995

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